

There is no question that the Earth and its ecological life-support systems are genuinely threatened in many ways by human activity. The consequences include deforestation, habitat loss, extinctions, pollution, over-fishing, depletion of finite resources, to name but a few. On the face of it, the UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals are laudable objectives. However, the environmental movement has been hijacked and ostensibly 'green' objectives now mask an oppressive, anti-human agenda.

The Climate Change Hoax

Above all, the great deception of Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) must be exposed, as this forms the rationale for a raft of oppressive and unnecessary planned counter-measures such as Net Zero, 15-minute cities, carbon taxes, personal carbon footprints and the eradication of private transport and foreign travel.

The Green Tech Myth

The notion that technology solutions such as electric vehicles and renewable energy can end our reliance on fossil fuel, or that 5G networks are green and sustainable are other myths that must be exposed.


The Campaign Resources website has some climate science resources:


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